Ben in the UK

Ministry in UK

God has graciously allowed Crown Christian Heritage Trust, in the past several years, to re-open six chapels in different cities throughout The United Kingdom. In these buildings that once stood empty, children are now being reached, families hearing the gospel and many growing in the Christian faith.

Follow the links below to see some of what is going on in the United Kingdom for the cause of Jesus Christ. You will find many pictures and videos. I was privileged to work in these churches during my two year stay in the UK. I am really eager to return.

CCHTCrown Christian Heritage Trust

BRBCBeeches Road Baptist Chapel
Blackheath, England

OBCOxford Baptist Chapel
Oxford, England

WHBCWest Hill Baptist Chapel
Brighton, England

EBBCEast Birmingham Baptist Chapel
Tyseley, England

BrRBCBreck Road Baptist Church
Liverpool, England

NSBCNew Street Baptist Chapel
Welshpool, Wales